The Small Truck Campers Show
We explore all things Small Truck Campers related including manufacturers, special rigs, their owners and the lifestyle, philosophy, and adventures along the way! Join us to dive deeper into everything Small Truck Campers related!
The Small Truck Campers Show
Episode 17: Takin' It Slow to South America with @Just.Trav.Lin
Welcome to Episode 17 of the Small Truck Campers Podcast! In this episode, I catch up with Travis and Linsay who are on month 15 of their journey to the tip of South America in their Tacoma and Four Wheel Camper. Taking their time, they have found the "hidden gems" in every country visited, have a proven plan for border crossings, and experienced the thrill of volcano boarding. This is a fun episode, so grab your favorite campfire beverage, and let's hit the road!
Follow Travis and Linsay on Instagram here!
Special Thanks to our Supporters of the community:
- Capri Campers- Everything you need- Check there HERE!
- AFUERA COFFEE- DO GOOD, GO AFUERA! Use code smalltruckcampers for 10% off your next order!
- Chain Line Designs, best way to deal with camper jacks!
- Torklift International- the best! Visit them here!!
- Poseidon Bicycles- See them here! Use code "SMALLTRUCKCAMPERS" for 100$ off a bike!!
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